Success Stories
At Sawyers Control Systems, we truly understand the importance of fostering strong relationships while providing exceptional customer service for our clients.
This commitment to excellence has helped us cultivate lasting partnerships with our clients. As their needs have evolved over the years, we have been there right alongside them, adapting and growing together.
We are truly honored when our clients choose to share their experiences with others, creating connections one connection at a time. Thanks to their trust, Sawyers thrives almost entirely on referrals.
Below, you will find just a few Success Stories that highlight our collaborative journey.
To protect the privacy of our clients, names are not included.
Success Story One
Our very first client at Sawyers is still a client today!
Before Sawyers was officially a company, Tom, the founder of Sawyers, had its first client.
It all began with Tom and one truck, and the client’s interest in cutting edge technology.
His family was moving into a new home, and he wanted to use that technology throughout the house. Sawyers created a smart home for them long before it became the standard it is today!
Sawyers automated the thermostat, the lights in the house, and driveway alerts, as well as provided security and fire protection for his growing family.
In the late 1980’s, his original home was featured in articles on home automation. A follow-up article about home automation was written 25 years later. Because of the original, thoughtful design and innovation, the system was still performing as it was intended to do!
As the relationship grew, the client brought Sawyers into his manufacturing plants to provide the same type of innovation to his commercial facilities. Sawyers still maintains systems running his manufacturing plants to this day.
After initially working on his manufacturing plants, Sawyers then created systems for his mother’s house, his sister’s house, and some of his employee’s homes. A testament to the quality of the relationship and the work provided.
As the kids have grown up and become part of the business, Sawyers has also provided automation and security for peace of mind for his children and grandchildren’s homes, and family business.
39 years and counting, our relationship continues to grow.
Success Story Two
“When I find a good contractor, I like to keep working with them again and again.”
30 years ago, a client of Sawyers was building a mountain retreat. It was a place he and his family would go to relax and enjoy on weekends and during the summer.
He wanted a home automation system back in the early years of smart homes. Sawyers automated the house temperature, fire and security protection, lighting controls, as well as music for the pool area, the TVs, and the network. (What did Sawyers do with TVs? Network?)
The client and Sawyers fostered their relationship, which led to working on a first store of the client’s Mid-Atlantic grocery store chains 20 years ago, which led to a second store, that led to other retail stores he owns. Sawyers still maintains security and fire systems as well as camera systems in all those locations.
For the grocery stores, Sawyers also installed facial recognition cameras, special cameras that integrate with point of sales machines, and video surveillance that helps with slip and falls, parking lots, weather, fender benders, and deterring crime. (Is anything missing?)
Do we mention the Tom Hart/Wayne Hoarder story/connection? If so, how to do succinctly?
Because of consistently providing superior results, Sawyers was brought into the client’s place of worship to maintain security system, camera system, and networking systems for that facility, and the special needs home the place of worship supports. Each location customized to fit their specific needs, and modifying things as needs have changed throughout the years.
Recently in a meeting about automating his new main residence and updating the status of the building of a new store, the client recently shared with Tom, “when I find a good contractor, I like to keep working with them again and again.”
At Sawyers, we never lose sight of the importance of taking care of our clients every day so we can work together again and again.
Success Story Three
Sawyers brought a family home from the early 1800’s into the 21st century
This story began several years ago, with a referral from a neighbor, who was also a relative and long-time client of Sawyers.
The perspective client was having a hard time with their then alarm company, particularly with the security system in their horse barn where they had horses and boarded horses for others.
Sawyers was called in to look at it, and upon inspection discovered things weren’t done correctly. Sawyers offered solutions and were hired to fix those issues and improve the systems.
Because of that experience, Sawyers took over the systems maintenance for multiple buildings on the estate property. They installed networking, cameras, and fiber optics to connect all the building together, plus intrusion and fire alarm systems in all buildings for peace of mind, including in the barn.
Recently the client was going to be moving into another home on the property, the original family home that was built in the early 1800’s.
But because he lived in country, the cell service was horrible. He couldn’t get cable even though he tried. His family had been suffering with DSL and 10 megabits per second for way too long. His daughters couldn’t stream anything, they couldn’t talk to their friends on their phones, and they couldn’t work remotely at the house.
Before moving into the family home, it was renovated. The client wanted to finally do something about the internet and phones, and make sure the fire alarm and security systems were thoroughly upgraded. However, the client waited too long in the renovation process to call Sawyers in for a home that had plaster walls and metal laths, both materials that electrical signals don’t go through very well.
Sawyers came up with a plan using Starlink satellite and wired the house with wi-fi through a series of switches, wireless accesses, and wi-fi repeaters.
It has exceeded their expectations!
They can now stream shows and movies they couldn’t do before; the internet is amazing, they are able to talk on their phones, efficiently work remotely at home, and ______ (is there anything else?)
Today it is an enjoyable experience for everyone. They are enjoying the comforts of living in their beautiful family farmhouse with the convenience of modern technology. Welcome to the 21st century.
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“Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” – Mark Twain